Yes, I do realize that it is April, but this is my attempt to catch everyone up on our lives, and hopefully will keep this blog up to date.
We rang in 2010 is a quiet way, mostly do to the fact that we are getting old and midnight just seems to late to stay up! Plus, I was on bedrest, so a wild party was really out of the question! Andrew and I watched Star Trek and drank sparkling apple cider, such party animals!
January was spent shuffling me back and forth to various doctors appointments, while waiting very "patiently" for Reagan to join our family.
February brought record breaking snow fall! We were fortunate not to loose power...however we did loose cable, internet and phone during the weekend of the Super Bowl. I was sad to miss the commercials, but later heard they were nothing special.
Reagan joined our family on February 16th, weighing 8.1lbs and was 20 inches long. It was a picture perfect delivery, and I recovered really well.
Right now we are battling a bit of acid reflux and colicky tendencies, but over all she has brought alot of joy to the family. She is starting to really smile now, and one smile from her makes all the fussiness worth it. I am loving having a little girl...and dressing her up in pink!
Cameron is loving being a big brother. There has been a little bit of jealousy, but nothing bad. He loves to kiss her and make her smile. He took the time in February to basically teach himself how to read and can now read "Level 1" books. We are also working on addition and subtraction. We are looking into preschools for him to start in the fall. He is also taking iceskating lessons. Andrew wants to groom him into a hockey player....we will have to wait and see about that.
Andrew and I are adjusting to being parents of two children. It really is a 24/7 job! There hasn't been a lot of down time...we have been able to go out twice, which has been wonderful. We have been enjoying the hockey playoffs...."Lets Go Caps"!
The next couple of months will be busy. Patience will be coming in June for a visit, and is looking forward to meeting her little sister. I will try my best to keep the blog updated with stories and pictures!